Evaluation Checklist to Assess Your Child’s Handwriting Skills!

Handwriting is a complex process and it involves the intricate amalgamation of cognitive, motor and brain functions. Your child not only learns to write through the means of handwriting but also learns to put his ideas, thoughts and feelings on paper through writing. Especially for young beginners, handwriting is very important for language learning. In order to work on how to make a child write neatly you must also play the role of an evaluator at different times to assess his writing abilities and point out his flaws so that he never repeats them.

Prepare a Plan
While teaching your child learn to write the alphabets, it is very important that you make a well-thought of plan and proceed. Design handwriting lesson plans keeping in mind the learning requirements as per the age of your child. You can use the best handwriting worksheets and explore how you can teach the different type of letters- uppercase, lowercase, print fonts, cursive fonts and math fonts to him.

You must make sure that you have devoted enough time and allowed your child enough space to practice each of these five types of letters well because these are the basics. Learning these fundamental aspects will pave the way for his language learning development process and he will be able to read and write well with fluency.

Prepare an Evaluation Plan as Per the Teaching Plan
Keeping in mind the teaching plan that you would build to introduce and teach the different alphabets step by step, you must also prepare an evaluation plan. You must constantly try to understand what the needs of your child are and identify his drawbacks too. This will help streamlining the handwriting learning process in a disciplined manner working on specifics. This will also make you understand as parents which are the areas where he needs more attention and practice while learning. For example, it is also very important to learn the cursives with the cursive handwriting practice sheets so, make sure you let him learn it as well.

Moreover, it is also important that in order to ensure that the child is motivated to learn more and more new things, you occasionally appreciate his improvements and not just merely point out his flaws. By giving him rewards at different times for being able to learn, you motivate and inspire him to learn well. Handwriting for kids exercises will then transform to rewarding and cherish able experiences for them.

Evaluation should be Worthy of Being Done
Always remember that the evaluation process is aimed at understanding where you need to focus more on developing his handwriting skills because as beginners it is very important that they learn well and correctly. Make use of a good handwriting for kids practice sheets and let him learn in an interesting manner. Therefore, keep in mind the fact that through the evaluation your child grows and develops in the learning curve. Keep the following points in your evaluation checklist to help your child:

  • Estimate his motor skills and work on activities to develop and strengthen his muscular functions.
  • Evaluate whether he has developed the correct grip and developed a good hold and balance while writing.
  • Find out if he finds it difficult to hold the pencil well and try giving him occasional breaks.
  • Try and identify if he can draw the lines, curves and different shapes well.
  • Assess whether he has learnt to write the uppercase and lowercase letters well.
  • Also find out if he can write the cursive letters and math fonts with equal ease as with the normal print fonts.
  • Thereafter, you can try understanding which type of letter is more difficult for him and then accordingly develop a lesson plan to work more on that aspect.
  • Ensure that you praise him and also offer occasional rewards like his favorite candy or a game on his writing achievements and motivate him to do better.

Point out his flaws but make sure you also help him work on improving them allowing sufficient time.


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