Learning difficulties and their impact on child’s handwriting

There are various factors which come into play during the process of learning of a child. As we all know that learning is a continuous and complex process that involves the development or reading, writing, listening and cognitive skills of a child.

But sometimes children face problems and find it difficult to learn and develop by going through the process of learning. In the development of the ability to write also, children find such problems arising out of various factors that seem to overpower their skills deterring development. Handwriting for kids then becomes really very difficult for kids to practice and they often start dreading it.

Various difficulties
Dysgraphia: It is a problem in which children fail to write legible handwriting, have inappropriate and inconsistent spacing, incorrect spellings and difficulty in composing to write by thinking at the same time while writing.In handwriting practice, this makes the child develop handwriting which is very bad to look at and also lacks proper visibility. By using the best handwriting worksheets such problems can be dealt with by creating practice grids with enough and big spaces, lines etc.

Dyslexia: It is used to describe a neurological condition in which a child faces difficulties in the activities of reading, writing and spelling. The extent and severity of this particular difficulty is found to be present very often in children. Every letter has its own sound. While learning to write, a child is actually learning the sound associated with that particular letter. But in such a condition he fails to do so. It affects the ability to read fluently, understand the sound and then decode meaning associated with and even face difficulty in remembering for example if the sound of ‘F’ stands for ‘F’ or ‘E’ or even ‘Y’!Create handwriting worksheets for your child in a well-planned manner so that you can ease the process of handwriting practice in children.

Dyspraxia:  In this situation, children find it difficult to hold a pencil very difficult. Sometimes they just hold just near the tip, sometimes at a too high end, sometimes in the middle but not in the appropriate position. This thus hampers the growth of fine motor skills in them and in the practice to Improve handwriting.
Dyscalculia: While learning to write, a child must also learn to write the numbers along with letters. In a situation where, the child suffers from this problem, he fails to recognize the correct numbers and their orders. He does not remember what the shape of 5 or 8 isfor example. He will not be able to write what comes after 3 or what is between 7 and 9! Unique and customized handwriting practicesheet with special attention to develop writing numbers can be created by using square grids and other interesting features.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD: Although ADHD is not considered as a learning disability specifically, studies have proven that children who suffer from it have great trouble in concentrating while learning. In order to focus on writing children need to concentrate on the specific letters, pay attention to their sounds, their correct shapes, formation techniques etc. Therefore if a child is already suffering from ADHD his handwriting is sure to suffer.

Visual Perceptual/Visual Motor Deficit: In such a case the child fails to understand the visuals of shapes and sizes that appear in front of their eyes. He cannot make out the shapes of letters, sometimes find them blurry or do not have a proper coordination between his eyes and motor skills. In the practice of handwritingfor kids, this becomes a serious problem.

Language Processing Disorder: A child suffering from this problem cannot process or understand the sounds that come to the brain. In handwriting, it becomes very difficult as the child fails to understand ‘what’ he is supposed to write (in his mind it is just a shape!) hearing the sound of a ‘t’.  During the process of learning to write, children will face great problem because they will not be able to make out the sounds of the letters they are writing.By strategically designing colourful and exciting Handwriting practice sheets that help them identify letters, numbers in the correct way you can help him from the very beginning of his learning.

It is to be kept in mind that some of the above problems are observed more prominently in children once they have started reading and writing activities. But it is also a proven fact that this happens because these issues started originating in the initial phases of child learning.The most reliable Handwriting for kids worksheets helps you in this matter at the initial learning periods. Moreover, because of the presence of such difficulties only, children develop ugly or illegible handwriting hampering their learning growth. Therefore, it becomes very important that these issues are always kept in mind before starting to teach a child and if he has the symptoms of any of these they seriously need to be addressed up on with the advice of experts and clinical suggestion.


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