Carefully Analyse Your Child’s Handwriting to See if is Well or Not!

Hey parents!

Did you know that your child’s handwriting could speak a lot about him? Did you even know that every single aspect of your child’s handwriting reveals whether he is well or not? Yes; you read it absolutely right!

Analysing your child’s handwriting is of immense importance as it will help you in understanding your child, his mental and physical health and also if he is suffering from any problem.  In order to improve handwriting for kids, it is very important to analyse his handwriting ad its distinctiveness.

Handwriting analysis is very important:
Handwriting is of tremendous importance when it comes to understanding your child’s personality. Handwriting is a reflection of your child’s entire physical and mental make-up, his whole personality.
By trying to evaluate your child’s handwriting you can make out if he is suffering from any problem, ailment or learning difficulty at times and also some stress or anxiety at other times. Such reflections will be helpful for you to develop strategies to work on how to go about teaching handwriting for kids to learn well in order to develop.

Try to observe and understand what the manner in which he writes is and take help of some expert graphologist if needed to evaluate it. If you have noticed that his handwriting has not improved in spite of repeated attempts to do so, it is for sure that he is facing some or the other issue.

Some dominant problems:
Handwriting experts have repeatedly found out that a child’s handwriting has certain peculiar characteristics that reveal a lot about physical and psychological welfare. Some of the dominant problems can be:

Trouble due to undeveloped motor skills:
Initially, as a young child, who has still to be developed hand muscles and motor skills, a child faces a lot of difficulty in holding the writing tool properly. Gradually as he grows up, he learns how to hold the writing tool in the correct manner and learns to write. But if a child constantly is not able to write well and hold a pencil or crayon or struggles in forming the letters he is definitely having problems in the motor skills development. The manner in which he scribbles the letters instead of forming them properly, his pressure points, starting and ends points, all tell it.

Existence of learning difficulties:
There exist different learning difficulties that seem to deter the development process of a child’s learning. In acquiring handwriting skills too, a child faces a lot of difficulty that obstruct his learning growth with unwanted problems. There are difficulties like Dyslexia, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD, Dysgraphia, Visual Perceptual/Visual Motor Deficit, Dyscalculia, Dyspraxia etc.

Learning is a very comprehensive process and it includes uninterrupted and complicated process that includes the improvement or reading, listening, writing and cognitive skills in a child. But a child who suffers from one or the other kind of learning difficulty struggles in progressing in all of these aspects which ultimately impacts his handwriting too. A proper analysis of his handwriting will reveal if the he is suffering from any of such difficulties. Therefore, make the best use of the unique and tailor-made handwriting worksheets and try to evaluate if his handwriting reveals any such issue.

Hidden ailments or diseases:
There are situations in which, a child may also be suffering from some disease or ailment because of which his handwriting also suffers. Some child may be suffering from a prolonged disease which might have gone unnoticed due to several reasons or probably because it was not properly diagnosed which makes the child endure it unknowingly and he starts suffering. This ultimately affects his handwriting too.

Situations of stress, fear or anxiety also affect a child very adversely leading to impacting his handwriting. If a child resides in an environment full of fights, quarrels, family tensions and discomfort, his handwriting will surely suffer which can be revealed in handwriting analysis. Therefore, in order to make a child learn how to write neatly, it is very important to analyse his handwriting and take the necessary steps to improve it and make him learn.  


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